Exposing the CCP’s Whopping Lies
In the entry about the Church of Almighty God in Wikipedia, there are many contents which are slander and condemnation of the Church of Almighty God and are no different from the discredit and smear against the Church by the state media of Mainland China. They work and serve for the satanic CCP regime, behind-the-scene force to attack and slander God’s work in the last days. They say that the Church of Almighty God was founded by man and mislead the public to take the Church as an organization of men. Actually, we should first be clear: Man’s organization is a social entity which regards man as the basic element and is established by man and has a certain existence meaning and development goal. That is to say, man’s organization is unrelated to God’s work. How can the Church which belongs to God be equivalent with man’s organization? How does the Church come into being? What’s the relation between the people used by God and the Church?
At the end of the Age of Law, mankind was corrupted by Satan to a degree that they couldn’t keep the law and were in the danger of being sentenced to death by the law. In order to redeem us, mankind, God incarnate came to the earth for the first time, opened up the Age of Grace under the name of the Lord Jesus, did the work of redeeming mankind and expressed the truth that man should practice and enter into in the Age of Grace. Many people followed the Lord Jesus after hearing His words and seeing the miracles done by Him. Christianity then came into being along with the appearance and work of the Lord Jesus. In the Age of Grace, where believers in the Lord Jesus were gathered together, there would be the work of the Holy Spirit accompanying them. This fact is acknowledged by believers who have tasted the Lord’s grace and seen His great power. The Lord Jesus says, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the middle of them” (Matthew 18:20). As is now clear, as long as those who have the work of the Holy Spirit come together to worship God, the assembly of those people is the church which belongs to God.
In the last days, the incarnate Almighty God appears and works in Mainland China. He does the work of judgment beginning with God’s family prophesied in the Bible on the basis of the Lord Jesus’ redemptive work in the Age of Grace, unlocks all the mysteries in God’s six-thousand-year management plan to us mankind, and expresses all the truths of purifying and saving mankind.
As Almighty God appears and works, many people who expect the Lord’s coming again in all the denominations and sects confirm that Almighty God is the returned Lord Jesus through His utterances and thus more and more people accept Almighty God’s work in the last days. All people who truly believe in and follow Almighty God congregate to form the Church. Thus, the Church of Almighty God comes into being and development. Therefore, the Church of Almighty God emerged entirely because of the appearance and work of God in the last days. Every Christian in the Church prays in the name of Almighty God. They read, listen to and fellowship about Almighty God’s words and cling to all the truths expressed by Almighty God, which are the eternal way of life brought by God in the last days. It is sufficient to prove that the Church of Almighty God was established and shepherded by Almighty God Himself and it was by no means set up by any man. Christians in the Church of Almighty God believe in and follow Almighty God, rather than any man.

Despite that God personally appoints man to lead His chosen people in each age, the work of those who are used by God is only to cooperate with God’s work and can’t substitute for God’s work. For example, when the Lord Jesus worked, He appointed twelve disciples personally. After following the Lord Jesus, they accepted His personal watering and shepherding, understood some truths, had some true experiences and insight about His almightiness, wisdom and wonderful deeds and gradually shouldered the important duty of working and preaching the gospel for Him and became the main figures of cooperating with the work of the Holy Spirit and spreading the gospel at that time. With the spread of the gospel, more and more people believed in the Lord Jesus and the church in the Age of Grace developed rapidly. However, regardless of how much work the disciples and apostles did and how many people they gained, it cannot be said that the church in the Age of Grace was established by man. This is because the church came into being due to the Lord Jesus’ work and was personally established by the Lord Jesus, which is an indisputable fact. Likewise, the Church of Almighty God in the last days came into being on account of Almighty God’s appearance and work and was established and shepherded by Almighty God Himself. In doing the work in the last days, God appoints and uses man to lead and shepherd the churches. Almighty God says, “The work carried out by the one who is used by God is in order to cooperate with the work of Christ or the Holy Spirit. This man is raised up by God among man, he is there to lead all of God’s chosen ones, and he is also raised up by God in order to do the work of human cooperation. With someone such as this, who is able to do the work of human cooperation, more of God’s requirements toward man and the work that the Holy Spirit must do among man can be achieved through him. Another way of putting it is like this: God’s aim in using this man is so that all those who follow God can better understand God’s will, and can attain more of God’s requirements. Because people are incapable of directly understanding God’s words or God’s will, God has raised someone up who is used to carry out such work. This person who is used by God can also be described as a medium by which God guides people, as the ‘translator’ who communicates between God and people” (“Concerning God’s Use of Man” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). God’s words tell us that the work carried out by the one who is used by God is to cooperate with the work of the Holy Spirit. All his work is performing the duty as a created being and he is responsible for watering and leading the churches. In his fellowship and preaching, he is exalting and testifying Almighty God, helping God’s chosen people to better understand the truths more quickly so as to enter into the reality of the truth and live out the likeness of a true man sooner. Over years, led and watered by the one used by God, God’s chosen people in the Church of Almighty God indeed have more and more knowledge of God’s work and the path of entering into the reality of the truth has become even more accessible, which is the result yielded by the work of the Holy Spirit. Nonetheless, God’s chosen people believe in Almighty God and read Almighty God’s words. This is the fact that no one can deny at any time.
The CCP government and the religious world have crafted rumors that the Church of Almighty God was established by man. Some people without discernment listen to them blindly, because they do not know the essential differences between the incarnate God and people used by God. Almighty God says, “the incarnate God is substantively different from the people used by God. The incarnate God can do the work of divinity, but the people used by God cannot. At the beginning of each age, God’s Spirit speaks personally to launch the new era and bring man to a new beginning. When He finishes His speaking, it signifies that God’s work in divinity is done. Thereafter, people all follow the lead of those used by God to enter life experience.” “Throughout time, the people whom God has used all have normal thought and reason. They all know how to conduct themselves and handle life’s affairs. They hold normal human ideology and have all the things normal people should have. Most of them have exceptional talent and innate intelligence. In working through these people, God’s Spirit harnesses their talents, which are their God-given gifts. It is God’s Spirit that brings their talents into play, using their strengths to serve God. However, God’s essence is ideology-free and thought-free. It does not incorporate human ideas and even lacks what humans normally have. That is, God does not even comprehend the principles of human conduct. This is how it is when today’s God comes to the earth. He works and speaks without incorporating human ideas or human thought, but directly reveals the original meaning of the Spirit and directly works on behalf of God. This means the Spirit comes forth to work, which brings in not even a bit of man’s ideas. That is, the incarnate God embodies divinity directly, is without human thought or ideology, and has no understanding of the principles of human conduct” (“The Essential Difference Between the Incarnate God and People Used by God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).
From God’s words, we can see that the work of God incarnate is substantively different from that of people used by God. In spite of appearing to be ordinary and normal, the substance of the incarnate Christ is the divinity. So, Christ can express God’s disposition and what God has and is, without the mixture of our human’s thinking, imagination, logic and reasoning, and completely reveals the original meaning of God’s Spirit. The words expressed by Christ can unlock all the mysteries in God’s six-thousand-year management plan and can launch the new age and conclude the old age. They are the truths that can be our life and can purify and transform our corrupt disposition and eventually bring mankind into the wonderful destination. Whereas the substance of people used by God is man, not God incarnate. So, man’s work doesn’t involve God’s management, and man can’t usher in a new age and bring the old to an end. People used by God only do the work of human cooperation on the basis of God’s work and fellowship about the experience and knowledge of God’s words. These experience and knowledge just represent what man has and is. Although they can somewhat supply and sustain the life of God’s chosen people, they are not the expression of the truth and don’t represent what God has and is. These are the essential differences between the work of God incarnate and that of people used by God.

The entry about the Church of Almighty God in Wikipedia says that the Church of Almighty God was set up by man. It is obviously the rumor fabricated by the atheistic CCP government, whose purpose is to mislead man to believe that believers in Almighty God are following a man. The CCP brazenly fabricates and condemns through the media that the Church of Almighty God was established by man and then arrests and persecutes Christians frenziedly under the banner of banning the Church of Almighty God. It can be seen that the CCP crafts rumors to create public opinion for their frantic resistance to God’s work in the last days and persecution of the Church of Almighty God.
Many historical facts are enough to prove: Before each attack of dissidents, the CCP will whip up the public opinion and then slaughter people and disregard life publicly under the banner of justice. For instance, after the foundation of the country, in order to seize the assets of the rich, the CCP plundered their interests and killed them openly under the banner of Land Reform. In Cultural Revolution, to unify our thoughts and have us worship him, the CCP demonic leader carried out various struggles between the lines and struggles between the classes and discredited and crushed and killed all those who were not absolutely obedient to him. In the Student Movement of June 4, 1989, apparently the CCP labelled the student movement counter-revolutionary riot and launched the force to suppress the petitioned students bloodily. But after the incident, the CCP turned it around on the students and had the media report that the unarmed students first attacked armed soldiers. Actually, who knows how many young people have been shot by the CCP devil? How many young lives have been crushed by the CCP? During recent years, the CCP made a violent crackdown on the so-called hecklers in Xinjiang riot, Tibetan independence incident and Kunming terror attack under the guise of maintaining stability. In every bloody slaughter, the CCP disguises itself under the banner of justice and carries out cruel slaughter without scruple. Its means is more vicious than fascists’.
The CCP has trampled on human rights so wantonly. Of course, it has always condemned and persecuted religious beliefs frenziedly as well, which is already a fact acknowledged by all at home and abroad. The democratic countries headed by the United States issue the investigation report on the situation of human rights and religious beliefs in China every year, expressing their concern about the situation and their condemnation against the CCP. Since the CCP came into power, in order to turn China into a region without God and thus ensure that its red dictatorship will rule China from generation to generation, it has been persecuting religious beliefs by any means. Countless Western missionaries were deported from China, and some missionaries were even persecuted to death by it in secret.
From 1949 to 1953, at least several thousand Christians were executed for “counterrevolutionary crimes,” and tens of thousands of Christians were imprisoned. In prison, Christians were persecuted cruelly by the CCP government, and thousands of Christians died unjustly. In 1966, when the Great Cultural Revolution started, the churches in China were subjected to an overwhelming disaster: The pastors were struggled against, the churches were demolished, the homes of the believers were ransacked, the Bibles were burned, and thousands of Christians were struggled against, labeled as counter-revolutionists, paraded through the crowded streets in steeple-crowned hats and then confined in the cowsheds. Since 2014, the CCP government has begun to demolish the churches and crosses under the guise of implementing the policy of Handling Illegal Religious Buildings. Take Zhejiang Province in China for example. The CCP government gave orders to demolish the crosses above the roofs of nearly two thousand churches. And some churches were demolished and some of the clergy who opposed the forcible demolition were arrested and sentenced by the CCP government authorities. In June of 2016, many house churches in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan, and many other cities of Guangdong Province in China were forced to join the Three-Self Church by the CCP government authorities.

Throughout the past over twenty years, like all the other house churches in the China mainland, the Church of Almighty God has also been condemned and persecuted frantically by the CCP government. The CCP government crafted rumors against, slandered, and condemned the work of Almighty God in the last days using different media as its mouthpieces, and printed varied negative propaganda and books of fallacies against the work of Almighty God, thus deceiving the people and inciting them to condemn Almighty God together with it. Meanwhile, the CCP government also unbridledly arrested and cruelly tortured some believers in Almighty God and deprived them of their freedom of belief. The following facts can prove this: On April 30, 1997, Xie X, a (43-year-old) male Christian in Wugou Town of Suixi County, Anhui Province, was secretly arrested and fatally abused by the CCP government. On February 12, 2013, Jiang X, a (46-year-old) female Christian in Qinghe District of Pingyu County, Henan Province, was tortured for a confession by the CCP police and died as a result of the physical abuse inflicted by them. On July 1, 2014, a (81-year-old) female Christian in Chongqing City was physically abused by the CCP police and died after failing to respond to medical treatment. On July 17, 2014, a (53-year-old) female Christian in Huantai County of Zibo City, Shandong Province, was beaten to death alive by the CCP police. On August 10, 2014, a couple in Yangxin County of Binzhou City, Shandong Province, were arrested and detained by the CCP government for believing in Almighty God, and the CCP government extorted a fine of 100,000 RMB from them, so that they were ruined financially and could not support themselves. … When it comes to the CCP’s persecution of the believers in God, these cases are just the tip of the iceberg. The facts are sufficient to prove that the CCP is a cult in today’s world that has slaughtered and abused the greatest number of people, persecutes Christians most cruelly and hates and opposes God most madly and ferociously.
The CCP’s interference and impairment, however, have failed to stop the kingdom gospel of God from rapidly spreading to the entire world. Now, there are not only the millions of people in the China mainland who are followers of Almighty God; as the kingdom gospel of God are preached and testified to in many countries and regions abroad, the Church of Almighty God has also been built up in a few dozen major foreign countries and regions in the world. The growth and development of the Church of Almighty God have drawn the attention of more and more countries and places in the world. When the CCP government sees that more and more people have turned to Almighty God, it is afraid that when the people have understood the truth, they will have the discernment of its satanic, devilish substance of being perverse and being in enmity to God. So it stretches abroad its vicious claws that oppose God’s work of the last days and persecute the Church of Almighty God. The CCP plays the same old trick again. It spreads publicly all the rumors through which it frames and discredits the Church of Almighty God in the media abroad, giving publicity to its lies and fallacies through the websites like Wikipedia. In order to induce people to believe its lies, the CCP does not directly attack God Himself, but rather diverts their attention by saying that the Church of Almighty God was established by a man and is an organization of men. It wildly attacks and condemns the man used by God and spares no efforts to frame and discredit the Church of Almighty God. Its purpose is, through attacking the man used by God, to conceal the fact that Almighty God—Christ of the last days—has appeared and worked, and hinder people from coming before God to seek the truth and be saved by God. This naturally reminds us the fact that when the Lord Jesus incarnate did His work, in order to hinder the Jewish people from following the Lord Jesus, the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees of Judaism said that the Lord Jesus was a man, the son of a carpenter from Nazareth. They concealed the fact of God’s appearance and work with such words in order for all the people to mistake God’s work for man’s action and miss the opportunity to keep pace with the steps of God’s work and receive God’s redemption. Finally they even incited the people to crucify the Lord Jesus with them. This is the wickedness of corrupt mankind. Moreover, it is a fact that the religious world is in opposition and enmity to God!
Now, compared with the deed of those who opposed God under the excuse of opposing a man at that time, the deed of the CCP, a satanic political party, is more evil and abominable. Because God’s work in the last days is the last stage of work in God’s six-thousand-year management plan, the CCP wages a desperate struggle. It tries, through attacking and condemning the man used by God, to deceive people into believing the Church of Almighty God to be an organization of men, thus causing them to resist and guard against the Church and give up seeking and investigating God’s work in the last days and lose His salvation in the last days. From this we see the satanic, devilish face of the CCP being in enmity to God and devouring human souls, which is revealed in full.
Since Almighty God—Christ of the last days—began the work of judgment in the last days by expressing His words in the China mainland in 1991, only the Church of Almighty God has been testifying that Almighty God is the returned Lord Jesus and making known the words expressed by Almighty God to the entire human race. The CCP never dares to make public the words expressed by Almighty God for the whole world to examine whether they are the truth and the voice of God. It vehemently attacks the man used by God and condemns the Church of Almighty God as an organization of men, but it does not say a single word about the words expressed by Almighty God, much less does it dare to mention that what the man used by God believes in and testifies about is exactly Almighty God. It is not hard to see from this that before the truth, the CCP is just a contemptible shameless wretch! It cannot at all refute any truth expressed by God, so it cunningly makes the man used by God the target of its attack and distorts the fact by saying that the Church of Almighty God was established by a man and is an organization of men. In this way, it perpetrates a fraud and diverts people’s attention to analyzing and researching it as an organization of men. Having investigated God’s work in the last days and read some words of Almighty God, some people think that these words are truly the voice of God and the expression of the truth. But after they read the rumors spread by the CCP, they begin to waver. They are deceived by the lies of Satan unknowingly and begin to analyze and research God’s work from the standpoint of the CCP. Some of them even deny God’s work and push away God’s salvation in the last days which they have just received. The CCP deceives people and induces them to follow its sinful steps with lies in order for them to pay no more attention to seeking and investigating God’s work in the last days through reading God’s words and completely miss the opportunity to keep pace with the steps of God’s work and be saved by God. Facing facts, we see that the CCP is really an anti-human organization that specially kills human life and is the embodiment of Satan the Devil. Just as some Western countries describe it: The CCP is the axis of the evil forces in today’s world!
After the exposure of the schemes and intrigues behind the rumors against God’s work of the last days fabricated by the CCP, I believe that those deceived or fooled by the lies of the CCP will wake up and have some discernment of the satanic, devilish substance of the CCP as long as they are truly thirsting for the truth and longing to see the appearance of God. During the precious period when God saves mankind for the last time in the last days, everyone is willing to follow the footsteps of God and receive the final salvation God bestows upon mankind, and no one wants to become Satan’s sacrificial objects to be buried with it. But if one always believes the lies of Satan and refuses to seek the truth and the facts, he will perish with Satan in the end. As for those who act as the accomplices and mouthpieces of the CCP, a satanic government, as they spread lies together with the evil CCP, slandering and blaspheming God and His work in the last days, they will by no means escape the righteous punishment from God for being accessories to the tyrant’s crimes! The Lord Jesus says, “Truly I say to you, All sins shall be forgiven to the sons of men, and blasphemies with which soever they shall blaspheme: But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost has never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation” (Mark 3:28-29). Almighty God says, “None can fathom the almightiness of God. In China, a country that regards God as an enemy, God has never ceased His work. Instead, more people have accepted His work and word, for God does all He can to save each and every member of mankind. We trust that no country or power can stand in the way of what God wishes to achieve. Those that obstruct God’s work, resist the word of God, disturb and impair the plan of God shall ultimately be punished by God. He who defies the work of God shall be sent to hell; any country that defies the work of God shall be destroyed; any nation that rises up to oppose the work of God shall be wiped from this earth, and shall cease to exist. I urge the people of all nations, countries, and even industries to listen to the voice of God, to behold the work of God, to pay attention to the fate of mankind, thus making God the most holy, the most honorable, the highest, and only object of worship, and allowing the whole of mankind to live under the blessing of God, just as the descendants of Abraham lived under the promise of Jehovah, and just as Adam and Eve, who were originally made by God, lived in the Garden of Eden.
“The work of God is like mightily surging waves. No one can detain Him, and no one can halt His footsteps. Only those who listen carefully to His words, and who seek and thirst for Him, can follow His footsteps and receive His promise. Those who do not shall be subjected to overwhelming disaster and deserved punishment” (“God Presides Over the Fate of All Mankind” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).
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